Reviews from Memoir Clients

This year was a year with a difference, as there were no new book releases.  Instead, I focussed on assisting people to record their memoirs.  It has been a rewarding experience for me to watch the stories unfold, knowing that they can now be passed down to the next generation.

Here are a few of the reviews I received from my lovely clients.

I would highly recommend Gina for helping with your memoir.  I had a lot of fun reminiscing as I wrote the answers to her prompt sheets.  She then made my ramblings into a lovely story.

I have written my memoir, added photos and had it printed and bound.  The cost was very affordable and the whole experience was amazing.

I wish my parents had left me their memoir as I am gifting my children.   Sue W. (Vic) 

Gina was wonderful for my memoir writing journey.  She provides all the information and prompts on how to begin your story writing and is there with you step by step right until completion.  Throughout she is super supportive, responsive with queries and very organised.  Memories and experiences spanning decades can swirl all around you, however Gina keeps you on track.  If I have another story to tell one day, then I will call upon your guidance once again.  Thank you, Gina.

Sonia S. (Vic)

I have always wanted to record my life story but had no idea where to start.  Gina made it easy, and the result is fantastic!  It was affordable and fun.    I am so glad I did this, and the end result is Christmas gifts for all of my children.     Noelene (S.A.) 

I won’t say it was always easy.   In fact, the process brought back many memories, good and bad, and my memories were all over the place.  Somehow Gina managed to get the whole thing in order and the result is very satisfying and even therapeutic.   Gina was working behind the scenes, prompting, and supporting through the journey.   Thanks Gina.   Graham (N.S.W.)

I always said I would do this and now I have.   Gina was always helpful and kept me on track throughout, and the result is polished and really professional.   Good work Gina.   Marina (W.A.)

Gina was great!  There was no pressure but plenty of gentle nudges, and the result is amazing.  Definitely recommend.   Chris.  (Tas).